Sunday, 17 February 2008

Exegeting Mark 9:14-10:51 - a journey

Over the next few days I'll be preparing a couple of talks, one a Sunday all-age talk and the other a midweek seminar for Christians wanting in-depth study, on Mark 9:14-10:51. The Sunday talk just focuses on the rich young ruler, but I want to cover over the days I work at the passage the different elements to my study.
I sat down this afternoon and read the section in the ESV. I was actually supposed to stop at 10:31, but I couldn't, as I started to note in the sections I was reading echoes of the section afterwards. This is my conclusion:

9:14-29 Miracle associated with faith

9:30-32 Announcement of sufferings

9:33-37 Argument over who is greatest/"servant of all"

9:38-50 Disciples try to stop something and Jesus rebukes them

10:1-9 Argument with Pharisees over law

10:10-12 conversation continues with disciples

10:13-16 Disciples try to stop something and Jesus rebukes them

10:17-22 Discussion with rich young man over law

10:23-31 conversations continues with disciples

10:32-34 Announcement of sufferings

10:35-45 Argument over places in heaven/"servant of all"

10:46-51 Miracle associated with faith

Now what do I do? Feel free to help!

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