Saturday, 7 June 2008

Music matters

Perhaps I should demand payment from Bose, the soundsystem manufacturers. My parents bought one after hearing mine, and now I'm going to write a very positive blog.
In fact, the very fact we now have a competent - even excellent - sound system means I listen to less music. Having a proper system leaves little room for lazy listening, such as whilst marking (I teach, remember) or other activities. Suddenly music is a completely multi-layered experience, full of depth, genuine bass and subtle structure.
My favourite moment in music is in Bach's Matthäuspassion. You can find the order of the movements at, and the full lyric rather awkwardly laid out at I'm looking at 47-51 here. You have Pilate's question, "what evil has he done", and the soprano recit of all his good, followed by "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" - an explanation of Christ' fundamental driving motivation - out of love to die for his people, that "eternal destruction and the punishment of the judgement may not remain on my soul". Then the crowd returns with violence to sing: crucify him. The juxtaposition in both lyrical and musical terms is gut-wrenching.

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